"The Voice of Oncology in Massachusetts"

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Trainees & Early Career

In addition to all the other membership benefits, MSCO is investing in the future of oncology by supporting the professional development and research of young clinicians, fellows and internal medicine residents.


Travel Grants

The Massachusetts Society of Clinical Oncology (MSCO) is pleased to announce that, as part of our efforts to support the growth and future of the oncology profession, we will be providing grants for oncology professionals from Massachusetts to travel to national annual conferences.

Trainees and early-career physicians can apply for travel grants to help with the cost of attending the NCCN or ASCO meeting. The travel grant is a reimbursement award (up to $1,500) to assist with associated expenses. Among the recipients of the MSCO Travel Grant will be one to two trainee(s) of an Massachusetts ACGME-accredited training program and one young clinician (with less than three years of practice).

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NCCN Annual Conference

Grant Deadline is January 31st.

ASCO Annual Meeting

Grant Deadline is March 31st. 

Thank you to everyone who applied. Our 2024 ASCO travel grants were awarded to the following individuals:

  • Madhan Srinivasan, MD, Internal Medical Resident, St. Vincent
  • Vera Kazakova, MD, Fellow, UMass
  • Maria de Fatima Reyes, MD, Gynecology Oncology Fellow, BIDMC
  • Prarthna Bhardwaj, MD, Oncologist, Baystate

We are thrilled that MSCO was able to support you on your journey. 

Young Investigator Award

The Massachusetts Society of Clinical Oncologists (MSCO) is proud to annually fund one Young Investigator Award (YIA) for a qualified Massachusetts applicant through Conquer Cancer, the ASCO Foundation. We encourage all eligible Massachusetts Fellows and Trainees to apply. The YIA is a one-year, $57,500 grant that provides research funding to promising physicians to support their transition from final years of subspecialty training to faculty appointment and to encourage and promote quality research in clinical oncology. For questions about eligibility, please contact Conquer Cancer at grants@conquer.org



Leon Pappas, MD, PhD, Massachusetts General Hospital

“Clinical and molecular basis for the immunosuppressive nature of liver metastases in patients with metastatic Colorectal Cancer”


Arielle Medford, MD, Massachusetts General Hospital

“MDM2 inhibition for patients with hormone-receptor positive, GATA3-mutant metastatic breast cancer”


Evan Chen, MD, a Physician, Division of Leukemia, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.

A Phase 1 study of adding navitoclax to the combination of venetoclax and decitabine for advanced myeloid malignancies.


Praful Ravi, MBBChir, MRCP, a Medical Oncologist at the Lank Center for Genitourinary Oncology at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, is the recipient of the inaugural YIA Award supported by MSCO.

A Phase 2 trial of palbociclib in combination with axitinib and avelumab in metastatic clear cell renal cell carcinoma.

Annual Poster Competition

Welcome to the MSCO Annual Poster Competition, an esteemed platform for students, residents and fellows to showcase their groundbreaking research and clinical insights during our annual meeting. This event invites submissions for the prestigious Walter Kagan Research Poster Award and the Michael Goldstein Clinical Vignette Poster Award.

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MSCO Cancer Survivorship Research Grant

Who Can Apply: Fellows at an accredited college or early career physician. Must be located in Massachusetts.

Purpose: The Massachusetts Society of Clinical Oncology (MSCO) is pleased to announce that, as part of our efforts to support the growth and future of the oncology profession, we will be providing a grant for an early career oncology professional from Massachusetts to conduct a research project focusing on cancer survivorship.

Application Deadline: August 31, 2024

Learn More >

MSCO Quality and Innovation Grant

The purpose of the MSCO Quality & Innovation Grant is to improve the care of patients in the state of Massachusetts living with a diagnosis of cancer. Funding will be provided for an individual or a group seeking to improve the deliver of cancer care, the quality of cancer care, treatment of cancer, or comfort of patients suffering from cancer.

Past Grant Recipients


Nadine McCleary, MD, MPH

Adapting the Electronic Patient Reported Outcomes (EPRO) Intervention to Improve Cancer Care Delivery and Clinical Outcomes of Limited-English Proficiency (LEP) Individuals Diagnosed with Advanced Gastrointestinal or Breast Cancer


Jessica Zerillo, MD, PhD and Meghan Shea, MD

Oral Chemotherapy Management with Electronic Patient Reporting--A Community and Academic Hybrid Model 

Chris Wong Quiles, MD, MPH, CPPS
A Bundle to Standardize Home Medication Administration and Reduce Errors in Pediatric Oncology Patients 


Marjory Charlot, MD, MPH, MSc

Feasibility, acceptability and effectiveness of the MBSR for smoking cessation in cancer patients


860 Winter Street, Waltham, MA, 02451


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